These meetings are held 4 times a year on the third Monday of the month: April, June, our September AGM, and November. In the past, these meetings were held as in person meetings at the Summerhill Retirement Residence 135 W 15th ST, North Vancouver, but due to COVID-19 restrictions we have cancelled these meetings.
However, CHHA-NSB is pleased to announce that we will continue these meetings via Zoom.
CHHA-North Shore Branch invites a notable guest speaker to address a variety of topics relating to seniors and to issues relating to hearing loss. The meetings are open to people of all ages and are free. The meetings are popular and well attended and people come away from them well informed.
The meetings start at 7 pm and are generally an hour long, but have been known to be longer because of lively discussions.
Our next meeting will held on Monday, September 16, 2024 at 7 p.m. This will be our annual AGM followed by our guest speaker, Glen Grigg, PhD in Clinical and Counselling Psychology and Registered Clinical Counsellor. Glen is an adjunct professor of counselling psychology at the University of British Columbia, as well as a practising psychologist, clinical supervisor, and researcher. His topic will be “Hearing Wellness: A Key to Lifelong Mental and Physical Health”. Glen gets his ideas about hearing loss from personal personal experience as well as from a scientific and professional perspective. In his own words: Hearing gives us information and warnings vital to safety. Hearing lets us share language, emotions, and ideas with other people. The sounds of music and nature bring beauty into our lives. When hearing is diminished or compromised there are layers of loss and frustration that can easily accumulate as chronic stress. Reduced hearing makes us more vulnerable to life’s dangers; we struggle to make connections with other people; and a world of enjoyment can be lost to us. This presentation will call on the science of psychology to show how maintaining our connection to the auditory world is vital to regulating emotions, reducing anxiety, lowering stress, and sustaining deep relationships.
There is no restriction on the number of participants and you do not have to be a CHHA member to attend nor do you have to be a resident of North Vancouver or West Vancouver.
The meeting will be conducted in English. Please note that “Live Transcription/Closed Captioning” will be enabled on the Zoom meeting.
For further information call 604-926-5222. To request an invitation to join the Zoom meeting please email
Poster to print (PDF): 2024 September evening poster
AGM Agenda (PDF): 2024 AGM Agenda
Annual General Report (PDF): 2024 Annual General Report
In looking back, we are pleased with what we accomplished throughout the pandemic. Here is a summary of the meetings we hosted.
Our first meeting was Monday, February 15, 2021 at 7 pm. Ken Jones gave a very informative talk about tinnitus: “Tinnitus-nothing you can do about it. FALSE”.
Our second Zoom meeting was Monday, April 19, 2021 at 7 pm. Lisa Dillon Edgett, Ph.D, RAUD, Aud,(C), Instructor at Vancouver Community College spoke on “Living Successfully with Hearing Loss”. The meeting was well attended, very lively and very informative.
Our third Zoom meeting was held on Monday, June 21, 2021 at 7 pm. Lorienne Jenstad, Ph.D, Associate Professor, School of Audiology & Speech Sciences at UBC spoke on “What’s up Doc? What Consumers Want Their Audiologist to Explain to Them During Hearing Aid Verification”. The meeting was very informative and thought provoking.
Our fourth Zoom meeting was held on Monday, November 15, 2021 at 7 pm. Ted Clegg, owner of ALDS, Inc., supplier of Assistive Devices for the Hard of Hearing spoke on “Bridging the Gap: The Five W’s and one H of Amplified Listening Devices”.
Our fifth Zoom meeting was held on Monday, February 21, 2022 at 7pm. This was a “Sound Advice” workshop hosted by Flo Spratt and Hugh Hetherington. The meeting was well attended and addressed individual concerns about hearing loss.
Our sixth Zoom meeting was held on Monday, April 25, 2022 at 7pm. Our guest speaker was Neil Bauman, Ph.D, owner of the website . His topic was “Hearing Loss at the Crossroads: We want to Choose the Right Path-So Why do We Often Choose the Wrong One? ” For more information please look at the following pdf: Summerhill April 2022 Meeting Info
Our seventh Zoom meeting was held on Monday, June 20, 2022 at 7pm. Returning as guest speaker was Neil Bauman, Ph.D, owner of the website . His topic was “Hypersensitive to Sound-Your Questions Answered”.
Our 2022 AGM was held on Monday, September 19, 2022 at 7pm. The AGM was followed with a presentation by Gael Hannan on “Getting Better at Hearing Loss.” Gael is an author, a humourist and a frequent guest speaker at CHHA meetings and conferences. Her recently released book is “Hear & Beyond-Live Skillfully with Hearing Loss”, co-written with Shari Eberts.
Our ninth meeting was held on Monday, November 21st , 2022 at 7pm. Our guest speaker was Neil Bauman, Ph.D. Neil is a Hearing Loss Coping Skills Expert, researcher, and owner of the website . His topic was “Don’t Let Ototoxic Drugs Flip Your World Upside Down”. Ototoxic drugs are medications that damage the ear and can result in hearing loss, ringing in the ear, or balance problems. Read a recap of his talk in the next edition of our newsletter Mountain Ear to be published in March 2023.
Our tenth meeting was held on Monday, February 20th, 2023 at 7pm. Our guest speaker was Lisa Dillon Edgett PhD, RAUD, Aud(C). Lisa is the “Living Successfully with Hearing Loss” Instructor, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Department, Vancouver Community College. Her topic was be “Filling Your Communication Toolbox: Tips, Tools, & Strategies for Communicating Effectively”. A recap of her talk will be in the next edition of our newsletter Mountain Ear to be published in June 2023.
Our eleventh meeting was held on Monday, April 17, 2023 at 7 pm. Our guest speaker was Bowen Tang, Engagement Manager, Cochlear Canada Inc.. His topic was “When Hearing Aids are Not Enough.” A recap of his talk will be in the next edition of our newsletter Mountain Ear to be published in June 2023.
Our twelfth meeting was held on Monday, June 19, 2023 at 7 pm. Our speakers was Lorienne Jenstad, PhD, Associate Professor at UBC’s School of Audiology & Speech Sciences, as well as members of the Breaking Barriers research team. The topic was “Advocating for Hearing Health Care Change in BC.” Curious to learn what your doctor knows about hearing health care? How does BC fare in comparison to other provinces regarding hearing aid funding? A recap of the meeting will be in the September issue of Mountain Ear.
Our thirteenth meeting was our AGM and it was held on Monday, September 18, 2023. We discussed branch business first: elected our board members, finalizing our year end. The board business was followed by a presentation by our speaker: Neil Bauman, PH.D, owner of the website His topic was “7 Effective and Free Hearing Loss Coping Skills”. A recap of his presentation will be in the December issue of Mountain Ear.
Our fourteenth meeting was held on Monday, November 20, 2023 at 7pm. This was a Sound Advice session, hosted by Hugh Hetherington. It was well attended and very informative.
Our fifteenth meeting was held on Monday, February 19, 2024 at 7 pm. This was a Sound Advice session hosted by Hugh Hetherington to allow people who can’t attend our regular morning sessions an opportunity to see what Sound Advice is all about. It was lively and well attended and very informative.
Our sixteenth meeting was held Monday, April 15, 2024. Our speaker was Dan Paccioretti, MSc, Aud (C). His topic was “Remote Microphones: What are they and why do I care?” A summary of the meeting can be found in the June edition of our newsletter “Mountain Ear”.
Our seventeenth meeting was held on Monday, June 17, 2024 at 7pm. Our guest speaker was Gael Hannan. Her topic was “Living Skillfully with Hearing Loss”. Gael is an author, humourist, and frequent guest speaker at CHHA meetings and conferences. She is also an editor and frequent contributor of articles to Gael is the author of the books “The Way I Hear It” and with Shari Eberts “Hear and Beyond-Living Skillfully with Hearing Loss”. A summary of the meeting can be found in the September edition of our newsletter “Mountain Ear”.