Hearing loss is not just a “senior citizen” issue. Statistics Canada surveys indicate that about 4% of children aged 3 to 5 show signs of hearing loss and 8% of children aged 6 to 19 had hearing loss.  Hearing loss is not a sign of aging!  One audiologist commented that she had fit many babies with hearing aids and they didn’t look a day older.  There are many resources for “the Younger Generation” to tap into.  Here are a few to start you off.  On the National Level, check out The Young Adults Network  https://www.chha.ca/yan/.  In BC, look into the Youth Peer Support Program  http://www.chha-bc.org/youthpsp/  . 

Hearing Loss Guidebook for Parents

Discover My Child Has Hearing Loss:  a Guidebook for Parents, a valuable resource for families navigating life after a hearing loss diagnosis. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of CHHA Newfoundland & Labrador, this comprehensive guide is designed to support parents and caregivers, providing essential tools to increase their understanding of hearing loss and answer any questions they may have.

Click the link below to begin reading.

My Child Has Hearing Loss: Guidebook for Parents


Discover My Child Has Hearing Loss: a Guidebook for Parents, a valuable resource for families navigating life after a hearing loss diagnosis.

Thanks to the dedicated efforts of CHHA Newfoundland & Labrador, this comprehensive guide is designed to support parents and caregivers, providing essential tools to increase their understanding of hearing loss and answer any questions they may have.

In the summer of 2021, CHHA National sponsored  “Speak-Up!  CHHA Summer Student Podcast”, a platform to advocate for hard of hearing youth on hearing loss issues.   The three students who hosted the podcasts were :  Jason Lee, Program Assistant; Catherine Dumé, Media Relations Officer; Kaelan Fulford, Digital Resource Assistant. 

There were 6 episodes: 

  1. E1:  Accommodations in University   
  2. E2:  Living with Hearing Loss in a Pandemic 
  3. E3:  Accessible Comedy Shows 
  4. E4:  Cochlear Implants & Self Acceptance 
  5. E5:  Accessibility in Public Spaces 
  6. E6:  Farewell 

The podcasts are well worth a listen for  hard of hearing youth as well as people interacting with hard of hearing youth.   Find all 6 episodes on the following link:  https://www.chha.ca/resources/speak-up-podcast/