Statistics Canada recently estimated that over 1.3 million Canadians aged 15 years and older have a hearing disability. Read “Types of Hearing Loss”. That’s 5% of Canadians who are not hearing clearly! Are you part of that group? Take the time to find out.

  • Start with looking at the checklist “Signs of Hearing Loss”.
  • Talk with your family doctor about your concerns: have him/her check your ears for excessive ear wax as well as any medical issues; it is possible you might be referred to an Ear, Nose, & Throat specialist (an ENT).
  • Make an appointment with a qualified hearing clinic to have a hearing test.
  • If the testing shows you have a hearing loss, start looking into getting hearing aids. It is estimated that often people wait 7 to 10 years from the time they first notice hearing loss until they get their first hearing aids. Currently it is estimated that over 300 000 Canadians with a hearing disability do not use a hearing aid.
  • Attend a “Sound Advice” meeting to get information about hearing issues from other hard of hearing people.
  • When you get your hearing aids, wear them everyday, regularly.
  • Keep a list of situations where you are hearing well and where you are still struggling.
  • Meet regularly with your audiologist or HIP to have your hearing aids adjusted.


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