Membership fees are $30.00 per year due at our annual general meeting on the third Monday of September.
Any person who is interested in hearing issues and how they affect the day to day living of people with hearing issues is welcome to join our branch.
When you join CHHA-NSB, you also join CHHA Provincial and CHHA National. You will receive the our newsletter The Mountain Ear, published 4 times a year, as well as publications from CHHA Provincial and CHHA National.
You will be eligible to vote at Annual Meetings and you will have a say on important issues to the organization such as changes to CHHA bylaws and the election of CHHA board members.
Membership also includes:
Access to research and resources on hearing loss issues and to educational materials.
Opportunities to participate in training programs and workshops.
Opportunities to build relationships with like minded individuals.
An opportunity to attend the only Canadian conference for people with hearing loss.
An opportunity to become part of a national voice for hard of hearing Canadians to affect change.
There are 3 ways to join and become a member:
1. Come to one of the Sound Advice Meetings and fill out a form in our brochure.
2. Download and print MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION mail in form . Write a cheque or include a money order and mail it in.
3. We are working on an on-line application form, but that is not currently available.
CHHA-NSB receives most of its funding from the general public-people like yourself who want to see improvement in the quality of life for the hearing impaired. Your gift makes a difference!
There are 3 ways to donate:
1. Come to a Sound Advice Meeting and speak to one of our members. Only cash and cheques are accepted at these meetings.
2. Download the Donate Mail in Form, fill it in, and mail it in with your cheque or money order.
3. We are working on an on-line method of donating; not currently available.
Thank you!