CHHA-NSB Annual General Meeting Notice 2021
The Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association-North Shore Branch will be held on Monday, September 20, 2021 at 7:00 pm, on-line via Zoom. Please RSVP your intention to attend the AGM to by September 4th so that we can send you by email the access information for the meeting and ensure that we have a quorum in order to conduct the business.
After the business portion of the meeting we will have Annwen Loverin, Executive Director of Silver Harbour Seniors’ Activity Centre to update us on the plans for the new building and its accessibility features.
The CHHA-North Shore Branch is obliged to hold its Annual General Meeting within six months after the end of the fiscal year (March 31).
Thank you for your co-operation. Please make every effort to attend the Annual General Meeting. It is through your participation as a member of the Branch that you give us the opportunity and mandate to move forward with out goals for year 2022.
Alan Dion, President
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