If you will be entering into full-time studies in September 2023 and experience a hearing loss, take advantage of CHHA’s Scholarship Program.
This program was established in 2002 by the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association and to date, we have awarded over $63,000.00 to ensure students with hearing loss have equal access to educational opportunities. The online application format will save you time and effort: only one application needs to be filled out to apply for any of the six scholarships CHHA has to offer including the two new scholarships added in 2022 (Helen Allen Stacey Scholarship and the Young Adults Network Scholarships).
Scholarships are open to anyone with a hearing loss who will be enrolled in a full-time program in a post-secondary institution next September. The deadline for applications is April 20, 2023.
For more information about the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association or its scholarship program, please contact scholarship@chha.ca or visit the CHHA National Website at www.chha.ca/get-involved/scholarships/
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